Thank you for stopping by and for your interest in learning a little bit about me and the ministry of Redeemer Baptist Church. Proper introductions begin with names so mine is Ben Rust. I have served as pastor at Redeemer Baptist Church since we first started in the fall of 2021. Previously, I’ve served 18 years as pastor in two other local churches. I’m married to Wendy, and we have four children, now all in their teens as I write this in 2024. I was blessed to have been able to attend Bible college and seminary earning an MDiv. along the way.

Some of my favorite authors and speakers are now mostly all dead. However, their timeless words still impart light and life to me as if they were still living. Men such as Charles Spurgeon, John Calvin, Thomas Brooks, Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones, Thomas Boston, and John MacArthur (I said most) to name a few and to give you an idea of my theological persuasions.

Like most of you, I wrestle with the daily challenges of living life under this earthly sun: groaning with the rest of the creation under the curse and indwelling sin. But also patiently, expectantly, longing for the day when Jesus returns for his church and completes the promised redemption. Till then, I hope to continue to serve and make the most of the time allotted me.